Tuesday, January 28, 2014

與香薰精油藥劑學(證書班) 鍾榮晟導師 (Henry)的問與答 - Q&A with our Essential Oil Pharmacy (Certificate Course) Tutor Henry Chung

與香薰精油藥劑學(證書班) 鍾榮晟導師 (Henry)的問與答

我們今天很高興邀請到本校香薰治療證書班 鍾榮晟導師 (Henry) 暢談他的香薰旅程及將於2014年2月22日任教的DIY綠色護膚工作坊。

We are very happy to have Henry Chung, one of the EOP tutors in our Certificate Course teaching team, to talk about his aromatherapy journey and his newly launched "DIY Natural Skin Care Workshop" (Cantonese Class) which will start on 22 February 2014 here at APA.

1) Henry, 你是本校香薰治療文憑課程2009年的畢業生,並於畢業後積極開展整全香薰治療的工作。據知,你早年亦取得由ITEC發出的國際專業美容師文憑及國際專業電療儀器(面部)文憑。你是如何把香薰治療及美容兩方面的知識應用於你的治療及教學工作上?

Henry, you are a Diploma Course Graduate of APA and practice Holistic Aromatherapy since 2009. You also hold a Diploma in Beauty Specialists and Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatment with ITEC.  How do you combine Aromatherapy and Beauty in your treatments and when teaching?

很欣喜過住曾修讀香薰治療及美容課程,香薰治療較多接觸病理方面,學會如何利用香薰改善身、心、靈健康,而美容課程認識皮膚清潔、護理和整體儀 容。很多機會在日常個人護理皮膚上融合這兩,有很多活生生實例,如面上長出暗瘡可用美容知識利用針清處理發炎份,再用面膜和敷料等修護,面膜當中的 成份就可配合一些香薰抗炎、細胞再生或去印特性使患處修復。在有關於面部護理課堂上,能詳細講解美容知識如何分別各皮膚種類及皮膚分析 ,如色 班、暗瘡、皺紋或敏感性皮膚等,當皮膚出現那些問題如可把香薰整全治療方法去配合處理,使同學對那方面得到深層了解認識。

I am really happy that I have taken both aromatherapy and skin care courses in my past. In the aromatherapy course, I have learnt how to treat physical ailments and how to balance the body, mind and spirit of oneself through the use of essential oils. While in the skin care course, I have learnt how to take good care of our skin and also our overall grooming.

We can easily merge this two disciplines on our daily skin care and there are a whole lot of examples. For instance, say for having face acne, I will use my knowledge of skin care to treat the inflammation by using an acne lancet and a facial mask to do the repair. When I prepare the mask, I will surely add essential oils that have anti-inflammation, rejuvenation or scar reducing properties to speed up the repair process.

While in teaching, I will have the advantage to provide more in-depth knowledge on skin types & how to apply the aromatherapy approach to deal with skin problems.

2) 你擁有你自己的天然手工皂系列 - 否可告訴我們多點有關你的香薰產品?

You also have your own natural handmade soap line - can you tell us a bit more about your aromatherapy products?


I have launched a whole series of hand-made soaps a few years ago. Due to the long production time and large quantity while the demand is normally limited to those popular ones, I now only focus on the production of Gromwell Root Handmade soap. However, I have made a lot of products such as lip balm for my mother, lotion for my friends with eczema and sport massage blends for my active friends and of course, lots of blends for flu and minor ailments for myself and friends.

3) 你在APA教授的DIY綠色護膚工作坊即將開班,可否透露一點參加者可會在此課程學到的東西?

Your new Natural Skincare DIY workshop in APA (Cantonese class) will start soon. What can students expect to learn?


Well, I have divided the course into two parts, for the first part, I will talk about the skin structure, function and skin care procedure, skin care products, etc. It is because one has to know one’s biggest organ first – our skin - and then they can know what is the best for their own skin.

For the second part, we will learn how to make 5 skin care products from scratch for themselves including deep exfoliation cream and facial mask, deep moisturizer spray and cream and lip balm. We will provide the high-quality, natural materials hoping they have the best experience in our course.

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